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Saturday Morn, 2 May, we go to Central World (formerly 'World Trade Center') for a motorcycle show. Some great machinery.
On the 22nd of April Flat Stanley came to visit his 'Uncle Mike'. We all enjoyed him. He's a lot quieter than Mike!! Welcome to Thailand, Stan!
New years 2007, at the house in Bangkok. Much fun was had by all .... so I have been led to believe.
Johnnie G., showing off his amazing culinary skills. They are legendary in the area of Southeast Asia. All the Chefs from the Orient are begging for his secrets. He cooks everything on his BBQ. Mastering spaghetti was a real feat.
Entertaining at "Casa McFadden"
Thanksgiving 2006. We held it on Sunday the 26th but it was still turkey and ham with all the fixin's.
Thanksgiving a few years ago. Not as bad as it could have been. '03 if I remember correctly.
In Sept of '06, a Japanese friend of Ray's came to visit for a few days. Her name is Asuka (Oscar) Amano. She was lots of fun to have around. Always jumping in when I was cooking and asking how I was making different dishes. Come back soon Asuka!
Daughter Ray got suited up in traditional garb. She has a very successful real estate business. Need an apartment anyone?
Hey, even I get a birthday now and again. Aug of '06, my big 70! Small gathering of friends and well wishers.
And throw in a few pix of some great little birthday parties like Ray's, in May '06
And of course no webpage is complete without a Christmas story. NOT a holiday story, but a Christmas story. Got it!
Yes, we really do have Christmas in Thailand. As elaborate as any displays likely to be seen anywhere. This is from a few years back, but the same every year .... or better.
I love the river. I often go and take a river taxi or tour boat down the same route I've taken dozens of times before. This site will be fleshed out in the months to come. Just takes time. Join us on our trip to the River View Guest House. The journey will take us thru some industrial areas that definitely are not on the tourist maps, but I find these areas fascinating to check out.
A School Visit.
A few years ago Mike Gilmore, Tim Whitney, Pon
McClay and I went to a local school to visit and give a presentation about
America. Our secondary objective was to try to embarrass Pon's son Gaph. No such
luck. He loved it.
Around Bangkok
Way back in history. Circa '87? Or is it a trip down memory lane? At any rate Thailand hasn't really changed, but we have. Most people don't know that Bangkok (BKK) was almost a swamp as it's only slightly above sea level. It was crisscrossed by numerous little waterways (klongs) and while most are now filled in, a number of them still exist and are used for cross city transportation by regular klong taxis. There is no faster way to cross the city than by using them.
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